Happy Memorial Day!

Last week for work, I asked people what they were doing to celebrate Memorial Day. I got quite a mix of answers, but the most common was going on vacation or driving back home after a vacation. I’m sure this is true for a lot of people. A three day weekend is the perfect time to take a break. There is talk of barbeques and roasting marshmallows. Plus Memorial Day weekend represents the kick off of summer. So these plans make perfect sense.

However, I keep thinking about the deeper meaning of this day. The tradition of Memorial Day began way back after the Civil War as a day when people would decorate the graves of fallen soldiers. It was designed as a day to remember the great sacrifice they made to make this world a better and safer place.

This pondering reminded me of another who paid the ultimate price for us, Jesus. American soldiers fight beneath the strips of their flag. Similarly, Christians live by the stripes of their Savior. Both represent a price that was paid for our freedom. One that should be remembered and celebrated.

“This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are My friends if you do whatever I command you.” ~John 15:12-14 NKJV

By Stripes

I see their stripes waving proud
Hear the wind whipping loud
Red for valor and strength
Courage to go to any length
White for purity and innocence
Blue for perseverance and vigilance

By stripes this country was formed
Though it endured countless storms

I see their heads bowed
Faces solemn but proud
Graves lined up in rows
As far as the eye goes
Gray lines against green grass
To remember and honor the mass

By stripes lives were torn
But through courage faith was born

Men fought and died for what they believed
Even as their friends and family grieved
Because some things are worth fighting for
Like protecting innocent lives from war
I’m sure it wasn’t an easy choice some days
But it was a price they were willing to pay

By stripes beliefs were stuck to
As good men fought for what was true

The world has changed much
Now faith seems more like a crutch
But truth doesn’t waver with the wind
Our perspective simply gets thinned
In God we trust is at the core
And for us God’s love poured

By stripes God chose to save us
Sending His Son to die thus

Mary watched the child of her womb
Die before her in the afternoon gloom
It was always His destiny to die
Still how she must have cried
Yet even with His last breath
Jesus provided for her after His death

By stripes Jesus’ body was ripped
By love His blood dripped

Eleven weary friends bowed their heads
This isn’t right they must have said
Jesus was perfect, not deserving of execution
They were the ones who ran from persecution
Did they stand by the grave and wonder why
When the body was wrapped could they say goodbye

By stripes Jesus changed the world
As rocks shook, curtains tore, and minds whirled

His back striped from many lashes
His skin permanently marred from gashes
Red for love, courage, and strength
He went the greatest length
White for an empty tomb, our sins washed clean
Blue for the sky He ascended to in a gleam

By stripes we are free and saved
For us many faced the grave

Thank you for risking it all
Although a thank you seems so small
But what else can you truly say
To someone who gave their life away
Jesus, I want to thank You too
For showing me what’s true

By stripes a price was paid
By love our freedom was made

All is Grace, Esther Noe

By Stripes Quote

P.S If you enjoyed this post, please remember to like, comment, and share! A blog post I wrote in 2018 just claimed the title of most-viewed out of 240 other posts to choose from. You can read it here.

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