Today I Thank God

Does your brain ever spiral with thoughts you can’t control? Do you ever overthink until your head hurts? Do you ever lay awake for hours in the middle of the night because there’s too much on your mind to sleep? If so, take heart. You’re not the only one. The Bible has a lot to … Continue reading Today I Thank God

Book Spotlight: Present Over Perfect

Inspired by the book Present Over Perfect by Shauna Niequist. I grew up in a world where societal value had to be proven. Those with the best looks, strongest voice, greatest talents, biggest family, or nicest car set the bar, and everyone else struggled to prove their worth in comparison. Home-schooled girls specifically were told … Continue reading Book Spotlight: Present Over Perfect

Book Spotlight: How Happiness Happens

Inspired by the book How Happiness Happens by Max Lucado. What does it mean to be happy? I mean really, truly happy. There are so many definitions of happiness these days. It can mean delighted, pleased, glad, content, joyful, indicative of pleasure, willingness to be helpful, contribution, participation, fortunate, lucky, an expression of good wishes, … Continue reading Book Spotlight: How Happiness Happens

Book Spotlight: Live Fearless

Inspired by the book Live Fearless by Sadie Robertson. What are you afraid of? I'm curious because we all fear something. Some people are afraid of spiders or wasps. Others are afraid of storms or natural disasters. We're afraid of injuring ourselves, loved ones getting sick, or the heartache of rejection. Then, there are financial … Continue reading Book Spotlight: Live Fearless

By Stripes

Happy Memorial Day! Last week for work, I asked people what they were doing to celebrate Memorial Day. I got quite a mix of answers, but the most common was going on vacation or driving back home after a vacation. I'm sure this is true for a lot of people. A three day weekend is … Continue reading By Stripes

Books on a Shelf

It's no secret that I love books. I am a writer after all so it's more or less a given. What I never realized was how hard it would be to go without my books for a couple of months. On August 22nd, I boxed up my book collection in preparation for moving. Later they … Continue reading Books on a Shelf

Bigger Story

Inspired by the song Bigger Story by Cade Thompson. When I look into your eyes I can tell that we are Feeling the same hurts hiding the same scars We’ve both got our reasons For giving up She squeezed my shoulder and looked me straight in the eye. Her gaze was gentle and never wavered. … Continue reading Bigger Story